
Trust Registration Service – Changes for Taxable Trusts

22 April, 2021

HMRC announced on 22 April to members of the TRS 5MLD Working Group:

"In preparation for opening TRS to non-taxable trusts for registrations in Summer 2021, we will be making changes to the service in early May 2021.

The TRS will not be available from 29th April to 4th May 2021 to allow the service updates to be made. Any outstanding partially completed registrations relating to a trust must be completed by 28th April 2021.

Taxable trusts

From 4th May 2021 taxable trusts will be required to provide additional data to confirm if:

  • the trust is, or not, an Express Trust
  • a Non-UK trust has a business relationship in the UK
  • the trust has purchased any UK land/property
  • the trust has a controlling interest in a non-EEA company (and if so, provide company details)

They will also be able to supply additional data about the individuals involved in the trust. Information can also be provided about:

  • country of residence
  • country of nationality
  • whether the person has mental capacity at the time of registration

Our GOV.UK guidance will be updated on 4th May to include information about the additional data.

We are also making some changes to the way in which we check individuals’ names, NINO’s and DOB are correct.  The details will be checked upon input and Service Users will be given three attempts to input the correct details. After three attempts, Service Users will be asked for alternate details instead (name, address, passport number, expiry date, country of issue).

It will also be possible to obtain a PDF output from the service to demonstrate proof of registration."