The ATT is one of the most respected tax qualifications in the world. Globally recognised, it's ideal for taxation professionals who wish to demonstrate their understanding of the sector and advance their careers.
Develop your organisation’s expertise
As the gold standard of taxation education, the ATT will equip your employees with the skills and the knowledge to successfully navigate an increasingly sophisticated tax system. Once your employees achieve this qualification, they will be entitled to put the prestigious designatory letters ATT next to their names.
Various learning options
The ATT is taught through a mixture of taught classes, distance learning, online tuition, and revision courses for the examinations.
For a detailed guide to the ATT syllabus, please click here.
Exemptions available
Students may be exempt from some of the examinations if they have if they hold certain professional qualifications. For a detailed guide to exemptions and how to apply, please click here.
Excellent grounding in all taxes
ATT members are qualified by examination and practical experience to assist individuals and businesses in complying with their tax obligations. If your staff hold the ATT qualification it demonstrates that they have a sound knowledge of UK tax compliance and as an employer you can delegate this work to these staff.
Reassurance for clients
Clients who know that their tax affairs are in the hands of qualified staff are reassured about the firm's competence.
Up to date on technical issues
Members of the ATT have to meet the annual continuing professional development (CPD) requirements so they will keep up to date with ever-changing tax legislation.
Saving in staff training time
Employers of members with other professional qualifications have found that training for the ATT qualification is a very cost-effective way of attaining the CPD requirements of their employees.
Professional indemnity insurance (PII)
You may be able to negotiate reduced PII premiums with your insurers if you can demonstrate that your staff have professional qualifications.
Marketing opportunity
You can sell your services more effectively to current and prospective clients if you can demonstrate that your staff have achieved professional qualifications by examination.