While an employee is on furlough they are permitted (indeed encouraged) to carry out training in their furloughed hours provided that they do not provide services to or generate revenue for their employer or any connected or linked organisation. Where training occurs at the employer’s request they must ensure that the employee receives pay equal to or greater than the NMW for their training hours. If the furlough pay is not sufficient to cover this, the employer must make up any shortfall at their own cost.
Members are reminded that the purpose of the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) is to provide support for employees who have been placed on furlough as a result of coronavirus. The scheme is intended to support the continued employment of employees whose employment activities have been adversely affected by coronavirus and members should ensure all claims are in line with this purpose. Accordingly it is not acceptable to use the flexible nature of the CJRS since 1 July to furlough staff purely for training or study periods or the days running up to an exam.
In a similar manner, HMRC have specifically reminded firms that deciding to close over Christmas and then using the furlough scheme to cover wages is not permitted because the closure is due to Christmas, rather than as a result of coronavirus.