R&D relief - new CT600 requirement from 1 April 2021
HMRC have informed us that, from 1 April next year, all companies which submit a claim for Small and Medium Size company (SME) Research & Development Relief, SME Payable Tax Credit and/or for Research and Development Expenditure Credit will be required to complete a supplementary page, the CT600L, when submitting their corporation tax self- assessment and/or when making any amendment to that self-assessment.
HMRC have provided a draft copy of the CT600L page, and the guidance which covers this page, as they currently stand. They expect these to be the final documents, but they are marked draft in case any changes are needed so please bear that in mind when looking at them.
For your information the various entries which are currently required in the CT600 will still be required, but HMRC anticipate that where these entries are duplicates of the figures in the CT600L the software will automatically populate duplicated boxes.