Wooden people separated by a gap, which is bridged by a block with "solution" written on it

HMRC launch escalation service for agents with PAYE & SA queries

12 March, 2025

HMRC have announced plans to launch a new service which will allow agents to escalate certain queries that have not been resolved within four weeks via the normal contact routes.

From 31 March 2025, agents will be able to provide details of eligible PAYE and Self-Assessment queries to a dedicated email address, which will be staffed by a "dedicated team of experienced technicians", with end-to-end responsibility for resolving the issue.1 

Details of the new service were provided by email to agents, the text of which is copied below. 

The ATT Technical Team would be interested to hear feedback from members on their experience of the new service, once it launches. Please contact [email protected] with any experiences you wish to share. 


Text from HMRC's announcement:

"What the service will offer 
The new service will focus on PAYE and Self Assessment queries that our Agent Dedicated Line or Agent Webchat haven’t resolved.

Before you can use the service you must have:
•     checked 'Where’s my Reply' tool, with at least 20 working days having passed from the reply date given by the tool, and 
•     tried at least twice to resolve the query by contacting the Agent Dedicated Line or Agent Webchat

You can contact the service by emailing our dedicated mailbox, which can be found on GOV.UK from 31 March 2025. In response, we’ll:
•     contact you within 48 hours to acknowledge the query
•     provide an update every 5 working days by telephony
•     aim to resolve your query within 20 working days, or make an action plan if we can’t

How you can help 
To help us resolve queries within the set time frame, please:
•     provide all relevant information and documentation that we ask for to help us resolve the query
•     respond promptly if we ask for clarification, or more information
•     don’t chase a query before the 20 working days have passed
•     don’t use this service to chase repayments, chase postal delays or queries relating to Making Tax Digital"


  1. Source: HMRC press release published 11 March 2025