Delays to processing 2020-21 Self Assessment tax returns
Members may be interested in the following update from HMRC which was published on the Agent Forum on 23 September.
"We previously let you know about a delay to processing some 2020-21 tax returns where SEISS grants have not been reported in the way we expected. We have now corrected all of the affected returns submitted before 19 June and continue to correct the SEISS grant amounts included in 2020-21 Self Assessment returns submitted after that date.
"There are a small number of return amendments, received before 19 June, which still need processing. We expect these to be completed by the first week of October and are sorry for any inconvenience caused by the delay.
"We’ll contact customers if we correct their return, and depending on the changes made, you or your clients may need to take further action. It’s important to check any adjustment or statement of account to make sure the changes are accurate, otherwise your client might be taxed twice for their SEISS grant.
"If your clients receive a statement of account and need to make further amendments to their return, they can find guidance on how to do this at gov.uk/check-your-return-for-seiss. If you’re an authorised agent, you can call us on your client’s behalf to make any necessary changes.
Further support for customers with debt
"We continue to support customers with debts who get in touch with us, and can help with payment plans or accessing services such as our Self Assessment Self Service Time to Pay. Please encourage your clients to get in touch if they’re struggling to pay."
The full post can be found on the Agent Forum on thread SA-13180. Details of how to join the Agent Forum can be found here.