Act now to retain HMRC Agent Forum membership
ATT members who are members of the HMRC's Agent Forum should shortly be receiving, if they have not already, an email asking them to confirm that they still wish to be members of the Forum. This email has been issued as part of HMRC's GDPR compliance measures and users who do not reply will be removed from the Forum.
If you have not joined the Forum, or are not able to confirm your membership before the short deadline of 19 February and wish to rejoin, there are details of how to sign up on the ATT's page about working with HMRC.
The text of HMRC's email is as follows:
"Dear customer,
"Thank you for being a member of the HMRC Community Forum.
"We need to check that you wish to continue to be a registered user. This includes both the Customer Forum and the Agent Forum. We are doing this to comply with UK GDPR guidelines.
"If you wish to continue to be a member of the forum, please confirm by 19 February 2024 by clicking the 'Opt-in' button below. You will be redirected to a page that will confirm that your registration will continue.
"If you do not wish to retain your membership you do not need to do anything and we will remove your user details from the forum.
"Please note that by confirming your wish to remain a member of the forum, you are agreeing to its Terms & Conditions.