
Welcome to the Merseyside Branch of the Chartered Institute of Taxation and Association of Taxation Technicians

Welcome from your Branch Chair, Mark Kearsley

We are a very active Branch with a strong CPD programme which runs from September to June every year. We welcome both nationally recognised tax commentators and barristers, as well as local tax specialists who kindly show us continued support each year.

We cover a range of topics, relevant to many different practice areas, and there is something for everyone in the programme.

If you have any queries, suggestions or would like to get involved with the Branch or committee then please contact us at [email protected]

Branch Committee 

Mark Kearsley

Branch Chair

James Rogers

Branch Vice Chair

Robert Adams

Branch Treasurer

Rob Hackney

Branch Secretary

Stan Blake

Branch Committee Member

Daniel Carson

Branch Committee Member

Emily Humphreys

Branch Committee 

Thomas Keningley

Branch Committee Member

Michael Spencer

Branch Committee Member


Branch Programme