- ATT: £196 to register as an ATT student (valid for 5 years).
- Tax Pathway: £371 to register as a Tax Pathway student (valid for 5 years).
Please note that this registration fee is non-refundable (unless your application is unsuccessful).
- Papers 1 - 6: £196 per examination
- Computer Based Examinations: £105 per examination
Papers 1 - 6: £196 per examination
Additional fee for late examination entry (one month only after the entry closing date): £103.
Computer Based Examinations
Each attempt at an examination in Professional Responsibilities & Ethics, Law and Principles of Accounting costs £105.
Computer Based Examinations Manuals
You will need to purchase the ‘Essential Law for the Tax Practitioner’ and the 'Professional Responsibilities and Ethics for Tax Practitioners' manuals, both of which are available from the Association at a cost of £57.
You will also need to purchase the ‘Principles of Accounting’ manual, which is available from the Association at a cost of £57.
You may purchase these manuals from our shop, here.
Course Providers and Books
Course fees and books are not included. If you wish to take a structured course of study you should contact a course provider. A list of those who have let us know they are running courses can be found here.