HMRC Picture
Extension of industrial action on HMRC services

Industrial action affecting the Employer Helpline and Construction Industry Scheme (CIS) helplines has been extended to 14 March. As we reported in January’s Employer Focus, the industrial action commenced on 23 December 2024 and was initially supposed to run until 14 February 2025. 

HMRC are continuing with their contingency plans to ensure they continue to deliver critical services.

HMRC Employer Services phonelines and webchat will be open 8am-6pm as usual but customers may experience longer wait times due to the industrial action. HMRC will keep the opening hours and service levels under review and will provide updates in advance of any changes by updating GOV.UK and the recorded message that customers hear when calling the helpline.

To minimise delays, HMRC are encouraging the use of HMRC's digital services rather than waiting to speak to HMRC on the phone.  These digital services include:

The use of these digital services, where possible, will help to reduce pressure on the helplines during this period of industrial action.  The Online Service Helpdesk can provide technical support with these online services.


This article reflects the position at the date of publication. If you are reading this at a later date you are advised to check that that position has not changed in the time since.  

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