Audit & Risk Committee is a joint Committee with the Chartered Institute of Taxation. It comprises two ATT representatives (one a member of Council and the other an ATT Council nominated individual), two CIOT representatives (one a member of Council and the other a CIOT Council nominated individual) and two independent representatives.
Audit & Risk Committee is chaired by Laura Kaye Tomlinson (independent).
Other members of the Committee are:
- Paul Aplin (CIOT)
- Graham Batty (ATT)
- Ralph Pettengell (ATT)
- Jim Robertson (CIOT)
- Fiona Wilkinson (independent)
The Chairs of ATT's Finance Steering Group (David Bradshaw) and CIOT's Finance Committee (Jonathan Riley) are also invited to attend the meetings.
Senior staff from Head Office also attend:
- Jane Ashton (Chief Executive, ATT)
- Roz Baxter (Secretary, CIOT)
- Andrew Burnett (Chief Operating Officer)
- Vicky Hilpert (Chief Finance Officer)
- Linda Mensah (Financial Controller)
- Vicky Purtill (Director of Education)
- Mark Stratton (Governance Officer, CIOT)
- Helen Whiteman (Chief Executive, CIOT)